Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Drawing a Woman

One more drawing timelapse video, pressure sensitivity of a tablet proved to be very useful in highlighting stage. The title "Drawing Miniskirts" is intended to be funny :) This never really intended to end up on YouTube though, but I sort of like the end result so there you go. The drawing is black & white, the colors is a result of RGB slider adjustments in abandonware I still use. -Korado3D (going 2D for the time being) ... Korado3D "Fashion Illustration" Miniskirt "OpenCanvas tutorial" ...

Author: Korado3D

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Wing Commander Academy

menace Kilrathi. Ici, j'ai participer au "cocours" pour tenter de décrocher le diplome qui me premettrat de rejoindre la confédération ( et vut comment j'ai jouer a ce moment la, c'est pas gagner d'avance ). Vous pouvez télécharger ce jeu légalement, librement et gratuitement sur mon blog ( ). Ce jeu est en ABANDONWARE donc je ne fait rien d'illégale en postant librement ce jeu dans mon blog. ... wing commander Blair confédération kilrathi academy freelancer privateer ...

Author: saigkoant1

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Playtime - Ringworld - Pt.11

"Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch" is abandonware originally created by Tsunami Games. ... Playtime Ringworld Commentary

Author: DJCharrington

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Killing Time PC Review by Koi Kitsune

One of the best abandonware PC games I have ever played. In a long time. ... Killing Time PC Review by Koi Kitsune studio 3DO yt:stretch=16:9

Author: KoiKitsune2006